Silver Package

Silver Publishing Program

PRICE: $1,399

Gain a competitive edge in your publishing journey by accessing greater design autonomy and enhanced publishing support, empowering you to stay ahead of the curve.

Two Formats for your book

Production Services

  • One on one Author Support
  • Electronic Galley
  • Advance Cover Design
  • Advance Interior Design
  • Cover Revisions
  • Interior Revisions
  • ISBN Assignment
  • Book Registration

Post-Production, Registration Service and Distribution Services

  • 100% Royalty
  • Set Your Own Price Program
  • Worldwide Book Distribution (more than 40,000 online channels)
    Google and Amazon Book Search
  • Barnes and Noble
  • 5 Paperback book copies

Marketing Campaign

  • Query Letter and Endorsement Letter to Publishers, Libraries and Bookstores

Call Now! 1.888.945.8513


While we strive to provide exceptional services to our customers, we do not guarantee book sales or success as outcomes of our services. Results may vary depending on various factors beyond our control, including market conditions and individual efforts.

Contact us at 1-888-945-8513 or send an email to [email protected] for further information.
Begin your journey with Stellar Literary Press and Media today!